Category Archives: notices

Parish Council Notices Caegory

Mayor’s Charity Lunch – Wednesday 27 March 2019 – The Restaurant, BCoT

Good Afternoon

The Mayor, Cllr Sean Keating, would be grateful if you would support his Charity Lunch on Wednesday 27 March 2019 in aid of his charity appeal.

See here for Menu and Order Form: Mayor Charity Order Form

BCoT Hospitality and Catering students will prepare, cook, serve and host the lunch at The Restaurant, Basingstoke College of Technology.

The ticket price is £25 per person and includes a drink on arrival, three course meal followed by tea/coffee and a donation to the Mayor’s charity appeal. Arrival is from 12 noon for a 12.30pm lunch.

A raffle will also be held and parking is available on site.

The Mayor’s Charity Appeal 2018/19 is supporting Basingstoke Mencap, Basingstoke NeighbourCare and Naomi House & Jacksplace.

Closing date for applications is Tuesday 19 March 2019. This is a popular event so please submit your booking form as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

Return completed form with cheque, where applicable, to Zoe McLaren, Civic Offices, London Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 4AH or email

 Payment Options:
   –  Cheques made payable to ‘Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council’
   –  Cash to be paid in via Parkland’s Reception
   –  OnlineVisit our payments page (Select Miscellaneous Payments; Mayoral Charity Events
      Lunch / In the Message Box, please include your full name and number of guest
   –  Telephone 01256 844844

As always, your valuable support is very much appreciated – thank you.

Kindest regards

Zoe McLaren
Mayoral Events Coordinator
Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council
Tel: 01256 845591
 @BasingstokeGov   @BasingstokeGov

Local Government Boundary Commission

You are invited to comment on Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council’s draft recommendations for new ward boundaries across the borough.

They are proposing that the current ward Overton, Laverstoke & Steventon is changed to Overton and Whitchurch, and that Steventon village becomes part of a new ward Oakley and the Candovers along with Deane, North Waltham, Dummer and other villages.

The main link to their website:

There are other useful links at the bottom of the page including the
Draft Recommendations Report
see Points 38 and 56


Notification of Highways England Roadworks: M3 Junction 8 (Popham, Hampshire) – Bridge Support Refurbishment

 I am writing to advise that Kier Highways Ltd, on behalf of Highways England, will be undertaking a scheme to replace the bearings and supports beneath the bridge which carries the M3 over the A303 westbound slip road (at junction 8).  Work will also involve replacing the expansion joints on the bridge, refurbishing the bank seats beneath the bridge, resurfacing and upgrading sections of existing safety barrier.

 The scheme is scheduled to start in January 2017 and is expected to take approximately seven months to complete*.

 Work will take place during both day and night time hours depending on the phase of the scheme.

 In order to carry out the work as efficiently and safely as possible, the following traffic management restrictions will be in place:

 ·         24/7 narrow lane running with a 50mph speed limit on the A303 westbound slip road

·         Overnight closures of the A303 westbound slip road closure, with a diversion down to Winchester then north on the A34

·         Overnight closures of the M3 north and southbound carriageways between junctions 7 (Basingstoke) and 9 (Winchester), with a diversion via the A34 and A303

 All closures will be in place overnight, between 9pm and 6am, Monday to Friday only.

 Confirmed dates for all closures will be displayed on signs at the junction.

 We would like to apologise in advance for any disturbance caused during the works.  If you have any questions or if you’d like you know about the work please contact Highways England’s customer control centre:

 ·         Phone: 0300 123 5000

·         Email:

·         Web:

·         Local Twitter: @HighwaysSEAST

·         Post: Highways England, Bridge House, Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, GU1 4LZ

 *Please be aware that these works have been carefully programmed but are subject to change due to weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances

 Yours faithfully

Kathryn Blofield

Communications Coordinator
Kier Highways Ltd,

Manydown Development Brief SPD

The Local Planning Authority has prepared a Draft Development Brief to guide future development on the strategic housing allocation at Manydown in western Basingstoke.

The Development Brief will have the status of a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and, when finalised, will be a material consideration in the determination of planning applications across the Manydown allocation.

The council is seeking views on the draft document from Thursday 1 September to Thursday 13 October 2016.

 The draft can be viewed here:


It has been proposed that a defibrillator be obtained for the village. The suggestion is that it be kept in the telephone box as a central location.

The Parish Council is looking into potential costs and funding sources but it would be likely that the village would need to fundraise for at least part of the purchase, set-up and running costs. £2,000 is the cost of an entry-level machine via St John’s Ambulance. We would also need to do some work to the telephone box to install the defibrillator and it would need to be checked or serviced regularly. There could also be the cost of the electrical supply.

The Parish Council would like to gather feedback, so could we ask you to please email us and let us know what you think.